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What You Should Know Before Starting IVF

Starting IVF Before considering IVF treatment, it is important to know that the process involves some important facts. First, it is important to remember that the success rates of IVF treatment can vary from couple to couple. Before starting treatment, it is important to set realistic expectations about success rates. You should also consider that the cost of IVF treatment can be high and that you need to be financially prepared. It is also important to have support systems in place, taking into account the emotional and physical challenges of the treatment process. Finally, before deciding on IVF treatment, it is important to discuss it in detail with health professionals and assess whether it is right for you.

What is IVF Treatment?

IVF stands for “In Vitro Fertilization” and is popularly known as in vitro fertilization. IVF treatment is a medical procedure used to help couples who want to have a child.In this treatment, maturing eggs from a woman’s ovaries are removed through a special procedure and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm cells from a man. The fertilized eggs become embryos and are then transferred to the uterus. Here, the embryo attaches to the inner wall of the uterus, allowing pregnancy to begin.IVF treatment can be an option for couples who cannot conceive naturally for various reasons. These reasons can include blocked tubes, problems with sperm quality, conditions such as endometriosis and a woman’s reduced ovarian reserve.The treatment process usually involves several steps. First, hormone drugs are used to stimulate the woman’s ovaries and an operation is performed to collect the maturing eggs. Then, the collected eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory and embryos are created. The healthiest embryos are transferred to the uterus and a pregnancy is expected to occur.IVF treatment can be physically and emotionally demanding and success rates vary from couple to couple. However, for many couples it is seen as an important option to make the dream of having a child a reality.

Who Can Apply for IVF Treatment?

IVF treatment can be an option for couples who want to have a child and are unable to conceive naturally. People who may be eligible for this treatment include
  • Those with blocked tubes: If a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked, it can prevent the egg from meeting the sperm. In this case, IVF treatment can increase the couple’s chances of having a child.
  • Sperm Problems: If men have low sperm quality or sperm motility problems, IVF treatment can be used. Fertilization of sperm and egg in the laboratory can be effective in such cases.
  • Women with conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): In women, conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS can make it difficult to conceive naturally. In these cases, IVF treatment may be an option.
  • Those with Decreased Ovarian Reserve: As women age, their ovarian reserve may decrease. In this case, IVF treatment can be used to obtain young and healthy eggs.
  • Recurrent Miscarriage: Couples who have experienced recurrent miscarriages can increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy by genetically testing embryos with IVF treatment.
Before applying for IVF treatment, it is important for couples to have a detailed discussion with our healthcare professionals and assess whether treatment is right for them.

What to do before starting IVF treatment

There are some important steps that couples should consider before starting IVF treatment. Here is what to do before starting IVF treatment:
  1. Have a Health Checkup: It is important for couples to have a health check-up before IVF treatment. This is necessary to assess the health status of both partners and to detect potential problems.
  2. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle before IVF treatment. Steps such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol and smoking can improve the success of the treatment.
  3. Physical and Emotional Preparation: The IVF treatment process can be physically and emotionally demanding. Therefore, it is important for couples to be prepared for the process and have support systems in place.
  4. Financial Planning: IVF treatment can be costly. Therefore, it is important to do financial planning before treatment and create a budget to cover treatment costs.
  5. Learn About the Treatment Process: It is important to learn about the IVF treatment process in detail. This will help you to have a realistic idea of the steps, possible risks and success rates.
Following these steps before starting IVF treatment can help couples enter the treatment process better prepared and increase the success of the treatment.

Stages of IVF Treatment

IVF treatment is a process consisting of several stages and usually includes the following steps:
  1. Stimulation of the Ovaries: Before IVF treatment begins, the woman’s ovaries are stimulated with hormone drugs. These medications allow more than one egg to mature. Stimulation of the ovaries is important to increase the success of the treatment.
  2. Egg retrieval (Oocyte Aspiration): When the ovaries are mature enough, the eggs are collected through an operation. This procedure is usually performed under ultrasound guidance and light sedation. A needle is inserted into the woman’s abdomen and the mature eggs in the ovaries are collected.
  3. Sperm Procurement and Fertilization: After the eggs are collected, they are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. Sperm can be obtained through special methods for couples who cannot conceive naturally. The fertilized eggs become embryos.
  4. Embryo Observation and Selection: The embryos created in the laboratory are observed for several days and the healthiest ones are selected. The quality of the embryos is an important factor in determining which ones will be transferred to the uterus.
  5. Embryo Transfer to the Uterus: The healthiest embryos are transferred to the uterus. This procedure is usually painless and does not require sedation or anesthesia. The transferred embryos are expected to attach to the uterus and pregnancy will begin.
  6. Pregnancy Test and Monitoring: A pregnancy test is performed within a few weeks after the embryo transfer. If the pregnancy test is positive, pregnancy monitoring begins and the expectant mother will have regular medical check-ups.

Success Rates of IVF Treatment

Discharge rates are an important measure to assess the success of IVF treatment. IVF treatment has varying success rates depending on several factors. Generally, it depends on the woman’s age, ovarian reserve, the quality of the partner’s sperm and the experience of the clinic performing the treatment. Factors such as advanced age, low ovarian reserve or problems with sperm quality can negatively affect success rates. However, modern IVF technologies and improved treatment protocols ensure successful outcomes for many couples. The full participation of the patient and her partner in the treatment process and the presence of a supportive medical team are also crucial for successful IVF treatment. 

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