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Preimplantation Genetic Screening

Pre-implantation genetic testing provides an option for individuals with a significant inherited disease in their family to prevent its transmission to their offspring. This page elucidates the functioning of the treatment and outlines the conditions that can be screened for.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Testing?

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a screening test conducted on embryos developed through in vitro fertilization (IVF), allowing for genetic analysis before the transfer of embryos.

Why is PGT Helpful? 

Abnormal embryo genetics is a frequent cause of unsuccessful pregnancy following embryo transfer. PGT plays a crucial role in ensuring that the selected embryo for transfer possesses the correct number of chromosomes. This not only decreases the likelihood of a failed IVF cycle but also minimizes the risk of miscarriage.

Who are Good Candidates for PGT?

  • Women aged 37 and older (due to an increased risk of abnormal embryo genetics associated with normal reproductive aging)
  • Couples with a potential risk of having a child affected by an inherited genetic disease
  • Individuals with a history of recurrent miscarriages attributed to chromosomal abnormalities

How is PGT Performed?

 IVF is a necessary step to acquire embryos for PGT. Following the retrieval of eggs and fertilization in the laboratory, the embryologist conducts assisted hatching on the embryos to facilitate cell sampling for testing. Once the embryo progresses to the blastocyst stage, a small number of cells from the outer layer of the embryo are biopsied and forwarded for genetic analysis.