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Stem Cell Techniques in aesthetic procedures have gained prominence in recent years. Exosomes derived from umbilical cord tissue, also known as newborn cord exosomes, are considered one of the most significant discoveries of the last 30 years. Exosomes, crucial for tissue repair, are protein vesicles obtained through special processes involving the culture of mesenchymal stem cells. With technological advancements, exosomes have become a preferred next-generation treatment method for skin health and beauty.

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are protein vesicles, rich in numerous growth factors and amino acids, obtained by purifying mesenchymal stem cells’ culture under specific conditions. Exosomes derived from newborn umbilical cord tissue are protein vesicles purified through specific processes in a culture medium. Exosomes are incredibly small, ranging from 30-200 nm in diameter. These vesicles, one-thousandth the size of cells, strengthen the functions of the affected cells and contribute to their repair.

What is Exosome Therapy and When is it Administered?

Exosome therapy is not only used for aesthetic purposes but also for treating certain medical conditions. Successful results have been achieved in areas such as pigmentation treatment, skin rejuvenation, acne scar treatment, atopic eczema, hair loss, wound healing, or burn treatment.

Exosome Therapy for Infertility ; Ovarian Rejuvenation and Sperm Treat

Exosome therapy for infertility, specifically targeting ovarian rejuvenation and sperm treatment, is a relatively novel area of research and treatment. Exosomes are small vesicles secreted by cells that contain various molecules such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They play crucial roles in intercellular communication and can transfer information from one cell to another, influencing cellular processes.In the context of infertility treatment, exosome therapy involves the use of exosomes derived from various sources, such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), to address reproductive issues. 

Ovarian Rejuvenation:

Ovarian rejuvenation aims to restore or improve ovarian function, particularly in women experiencing age-related decline in fertility or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI).Exosome therapy may offer a potential approach for ovarian rejuvenation by delivering bioactive molecules that stimulate folliculogenesis, inhibit apoptosis (cell death) of ovarian cells, and promote tissue regeneration.Research suggests that exosomes derived from MSCs or other sources may have regenerative effects on ovarian tissue and could potentially enhance ovarian function.

Sperm Treatment:

In the context of male infertility, exosome therapy may have applications in improving sperm quality and function.Exosomes derived from various sources, including MSCs, have been investigated for their ability to modulate sperm motility, morphology, and viability.Studies have shown that exosomes can transfer functional molecules, such as microRNAs, to sperm cells, regulating gene expression and potentially improving sperm parameters.

Mechanisms of Action:

Exosomes exert their effects through various mechanisms, including delivering bioactive molecules such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids to target cells.These bioactive molecules can influence cellular processes involved in tissue repair, regeneration, and homeostasis.Exosomes derived from different sources may have distinct cargo compositions and functional properties, affecting their therapeutic potential in infertility treatment.

How is Exosome Therapy Conducted?

Exosomes are stored as a homogenous suspension in a sterile cold chain. About 30 minutes before the procedure, the patient’s skin is cleansed, and a local anesthetic cream is applied. In exosome therapy, exosomes derived from stem cells are injected dermally into the specified area using microneedles. After the injection of exosome skin serum, the repair of damaged cells begins. Patients can comfortably resume their daily activities after the procedure.

How Long Does Exosome Therapy Take?

Exosome cell treatment for hair or skin rejuvenation purposes typically lasts around 30 minutes. 

How Many Sessions of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy Are Applied?

Exosome therapy for the designated area is typically performed in a single session. Desired results are achieved over time after this single procedure. The repair process of damaged cells begins rapidly after the injection of exosomes. The reparative power of exosomes is significantly high. The treatment plan is personalized based on the specific condition or ailment. For instance, in the case of hair loss, the process may involve 3-8 sessions. Procedures are usually performed at intervals of 7-14 days. It can also be administered after a hair transplant to support the newly transplanted hair.

What Are the Benefits of Exosome Therapy?

Unlike other stem cell methods, exosome therapy does not involve obtaining bone marrow or abdominal fat from the patient. Therefore, it is recognized as a much more practical method compared to stem cell therapy.